README_SDP_FTE.txt REVISIONS 20140425 (April 25th, 2014) - Initial release. This README file contains some background information and guidance on School District of Philadelphia (SDP) data. This set of data was extracted in April of 2014, and includes information about the School District Full Time Employee (FTE) Counts for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015. The School District recognizes the Fiscal Year as July 1st to June 30th. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, or would like to request other data sets. Happy data diving! Individual files: README_SDP_FTE.TXT - You're soaking in it! fte_information.csv FUNCTION_CLASS - Code identifying the function class. FUNCTION_CLASS_NAME - Description of the function class of the budget. This is the highest distinct category for the budget. FUNCTION_GROUP- Code identifying the function group. FUNCTION_GROUP_NAME - Description of the function group of the budget. This is the next highest distinct category for the budget. FUNCTION- Code identifying the function. FUNCTION_NAME - Description of the function of the budget. This is the next highest distinct category for the budget. ACTIVITY - Code identifying the budget activity. ACTIVITY_NAME - Description of the activity type. -- Current Fiscal Year 2014 FTE Estimates through to June 30th, 2014: OPERATING_CYEST_FTE_AMT - FTE count from operating funds. GRANT_CYEST_FTE_AMT - FTE count from grant funds. CAPITAL_CYEST_FTE_AMT - FTE count from capital funds. OTHER_CYEST_FTE_AMT - FTE count from other funds. TOTAL_CYEST_FTE_AMT - Total FTE count. -- Proposed FTE for Fiscal Year 2015 OPERATING_ACT_FTE_AMT - FTE count from operating funds. GRANT_ACT_FTE_AMT - FTE count from grant funds. CAPITAL_ACT_FTE_AMT - FTE count from capital funds. OTHER_ACT_FTE_AMT - FTE count from other funds. TOTAL_ACT_FTE_AMT - Total FTE count. RUN_DATE - The date the data was extracted from SDP data systems. School District Data Sets Terms of Use.pdf Terms of use for use the open data sets from the School District of Philadelphia.